Weekly Update

Hi Truck Kids,

We have another update for y’all as we get closer and closer to the biggest build we’ve pushed since closed beta launch. Allow me to save everyone some time and summarize.


  • Friend codes
  • Add friend
  • Remove friend
  • Online/Offline status
  • Notes
  • Chat channels
  • Ascension wall (see screenshot below)
  • Leaderboards
  • Play page rework
  • DMs

Yeah, that last one is new. While working through the friend system we decided to introduce a direct message system as well. You will be able to add a friend via chat or with a friend code and simply switch to their chat channel to talk about trucks and driving trucks and living in your truck.

In Progress:

  • Gifting
  • The Track

On Hold:

  • Trading

As you can see, we’re knocking things out pretty quickly, but the last two are thicc bois. In addition, we’ve been doing an annoying intense amount of internal testing so the features outshine the potential bugs on launch. We’ve decided that trading is going to require a massive amount of work and we’d like to avoid that being the reason the build gets delayed. We are, however, knocking out gifting, or as I like to call it: Trading On the Honor System.

Also, here’s the ascension screen (the information is a placeholder):

As previously explained, you can scroll through several ascensions to see rewards, unlocks, and surprises. We felt that ascension was an achievement in itself but there wasn’t enough incentive. Fixed; you know how we do.

We’ll keep you updated but we’re getting there!

Truck is Life,

Happy Dan & Tiny Mike