Hi Truckers,
Hope ya’ll are good. I’ll get right into it; Badge Rewards are coming soon. Sooner than I thought, if I’m being honest. Mike and I do this thing where we follow other indie studios and then look at their release schedule and history and then take all of that information and set it on fire and throw it in a dumpster and give ourselves approximately 1/5th of that time. Unlike that sentence, we like to keep our release schedule short and sweet (and sassy) but it’s very important to allow for a small handful of “goofs” aka “aw hell no” which almost always happens in the production cycle. And sometimes, things go silky smooth and we don’t need that much time. This is one of those times.
Maybe you read all of that and thought very sarcastically thank you for explaining timelines to us in the longest way possible, and you’re welcome, but I get excited when Mike starts ninja patching over the weekend (Note to Mike: I can see the Slack alerts, you sneaky slut) and this happens:
That’s a screenshot from our staging server. Do you see it? At the top? How ’bout now:
That’s right. We’re already testing the Badge Rewards system. We’re still working on ideas and functionality for the additional recipes (like the slot machine luck increase) but seriously though you guys:
Just look at it. That’s my rewards screen, page 3, after claiming the 7th and 8th rank rewards. The first version will have a total of 15 rewards.
I wonder what the next set of rewards are. I mean, I know what they are, but I bet you’re wondering what they are. Fine, I’ll give you a hint:
Got ’em. Don’t worry, they’ll be revealed soon! Speaking of which, I should probably get back to it. As always, we’ll keep you posted as we make progress and provide more info on things to come after the next patch.
Aw Hell No,
Dan & Mike