Hi Truckers,
Update time; let’s go!
First, thanks for your patience. We’ve been updating every week to keep that sweet, sweet transparency going, but we know you want more. Well, here’s more; The Track & Gifting are done. These are two massive items on our roadmap that have already made their way to internal testing. We’re tuning, polishing, and bug-murdering, but I can assure you they’re almost up to our standards. This week, we’re gonna focus on the Track.
The Track is basically a mini-game where 4 AI controlled drivers compete against each other in an action packed drag race. You and the community can bet on your favorite driver and win big (or lose your ass; it’s gambling, you guys).
The Track is basically divided into 3 phases; betting, racing, and results.
In the first phase, drivers will be randomly generated for you to choose from. You’ll drop a minimum of 1,000 scrap (for now) on your driver of choice:
I went ahead and bet on Cranstin Borgtles. I feel pretty good about this driver, especially that ridiculous randomly-generated paint set.
Once the timer counts down and you’ve placed your bets, the drivers will meet at the starting line and wait for the green light:
The light turns green and off they go:
Sadly, it doesn’t look like Cranstin is doing too well, but it’s still anyone’s race:
Haha, just kidding. Damnit, Cranstin! Ah well; win some, lose some. As they cross the finish line you’ll return to the results screen to see placement, and collect your winnings (unless you’re me):
As you can see, we did great. Especially if there were several other drivers in this race, which there weren’t.
Anyways, we had a good time and we think you will too. There’s one more thing worth mentioning before we let you get back to Trucking, and we think it’s kind of a big deal. With the new structure and functionality of the rebuilt Play page, you can participate in the Track while never losing progress on the main road. That means while your truck is chugging along on a route, you can visit the track via the interface, bet on a race, win some scrap, and head right back to your truck still burning miles. What this really means is that moving forward, mini-games in general will not impede your progress on the road. Pretty sweet, right?
That’s all for now. Next week, we’ll do a deep dive into Gifting (or maybe more) as we get ever closer to Ultra Super Turbo Mega Patch v1 (name pending).
Peace and Truck Love,
Dan & Mike